I had originally wanted to blog about my thoughts on writing, its process and the benefits it has on my creative mind but I find that my posts have been mostly about books I've read, music, knitting projects I've completed, and not much about my writing. Only a very little on my writing, though I'd like it to have more. So I decided the blog title or name should reflect the two creative endeavors I am most passionate about but not an absolute expert in. Knitting and writing.
So KNIT WIT WRITER it is .... or until I can think of something better.
On recent Knit Wit news, I did knit a pair of fingerless gloves for my niece. She truly loves them and wears them ALL THE TIME! I gave them to her for Christmas and according to her mom, she wears them at all times except at school and church (though I think it's probably okay to wear it there). Isn't that adorable?
On writing news, I finally finished the first draft of my second novel! My manuscript is all printed out on my desk awaiting revision which I will begin (actually, I've already revised chapter one) as soon as I finish drafting a short story project I decided to do. More on that later. My hands are itching to continue revising but first, I must consult with .... the Plot Whisperer ...
I bought this ebook by Martha Alderson a couple of months ago and was so excited to dig into it only to be told in the introduction that I should have a finished draft of my novel before I begin taking the "26 Plot Steps to Revision". At the time, I had written only about 75% of the book so I closed my copy of Blockbuster Plots (it was hard to do!) and got back to work. So here I am, letting my book sit a little so I can tackle it with fresh eyes and hopefully, with the help of the Plot Whisperer, make it a better book than it is now. AND my good friend and author, Erin Fry, highly recommends it. :)
So that's it for now. It's past midnight and it's raining buckets outside so I better hit the sack.